Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blog Reading Assignment Chapter 1

This picture to me shows postmodernism because a building being built like this has no practicality but is an example that someone could build something however they wanted. If someone built this they may think it is a supreme work, but others may see it as an abomination. No one is wrong and no one is right pretty much sums it up.

The example of a multinational corporation is the girl's iPod. This is a picture of Japan and this girl is using the same mp3 device that is common in America as well as all over the world. It is easy to see that Apple, the company responsible for making iPods, is doing very well across the world.


  1. This is a great example of Multinational Corporation. I would also say this picture is a symbol of mass culture. I say this because of the way Apple gets the word out about its IPOD, through the use of mainstream media in almost every form. You can find online ads and tv commercials for this product in most contries.

  2. The Picture of the building definatly represents Postmodernism. The extra part of the building protruding from the side has no use but to stand out and look diffrent. This will make this building stand out from the rest and people will reconize it, and will wonder what it is and who owns it. In a way this is a way to get word out about your company.

  3. I like the picture of the builing, it does represent postmodernism, because of its lack of practicality and use. A regular 100 story building would be just as effective as the very elaborate picture above.

  4. The picture of the girl does represent multinational corporations. Like most products in the United States such as clothing stores, and appliances they are also available in most other developed countries. Companies try to make their products accessable to all people. This picture is also an example of Mass Culture, because the companies probably advertise their products to eveyone around the world, without thinking about specifically who they are selling too.

  5. I like the piture of the girl with the ipod, its deffinetly an example of multinational corporations. There are many companys like Apple that are doing so well all over the world. In example Mcdonalds, they are all over the place. Its interesting to think that people from all over use and eat the same type of things we do.
